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Xiang, Jun Gao, Li Jing, Hao Yu Liu, Yun Xiao Wang, Hu Fei Chang, Ze Wen Liu, Shi Hao Yu, Lei Wang, Gui Yu

BioMed Central


BMC Cancer



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patients crc cancer colorectal


BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cause of death among cancers in the world.

Although improvements in various treatments have greatly improved the survival time of colorectal cancer patients, since colorectal cancer is often at an advanced stage when diagnosed, the prognosis of patients is still very poor.

Since the ceRNA regulatory network was proposed in 2011, it has greatly promoted the study of the molecular mechanism of colorectal cancer occurrence and development.

OBJECTIVE: Exploring the new molecular mechanism of colorectal cancer occurrence and development and providing new targets for the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer.

METHOD: We analyzed the RNA-seq data of CRC from TCGA, such as differential expression analysis, weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) and construction of ceRNA regulatory network.

RESULTS: We constructed a ceRNA network using RNA-seq data of CRC from TCGA.

In the ceRNA regulatory network, 19 hub molecules with significant prognostic effects were ultimately identified, including 8 lncRNAs, 2 mRNAs and 9 miRNAs.

These hub molecules constitute the lncRNA-miRNA, miRNA-mRNA or lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA axis.

CONCLUSION: In this article, some new ceRNA regulatory axes have been discovered, which may potentially disclose new molecular mechanisms for the occurrence and development of colorectal cancer, thereby providing an important blueprint for the treatment and prognosis assessment of CRC patients.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12885-022-10054-z.

Xiang, Jun,Gao, Li,Jing, Hao Yu,Liu, Yun Xiao,Wang, Hu Fei,Chang, Ze Wen,Liu, Shi Hao,Yu, Lei,Wang, Gui Yu, 2022, Construction of CeRNA regulatory network based on WGCNA reveals diagnosis biomarkers for colorectal cancer, BioMed Central


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